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Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I WANNABEE..... A Radio Host

Oooh! that expression - Wannabee - ouch! it hurts.  It hurts when used in the wrong context; it gives the impression that one wants to be, but hasn't a hope in hades to be.

Okay! for wannabee, I'm going to use the word potential.   I will not be boring you with how I got started - mine was a different era. Nonetheless, I'll share the secret in brief.

A Sydney - Australia - radio station had invited our 'school' to see and be part of it's annual Christmas celebration.    A trip to Sydney - wow! I loved in country NSW and a visit to the 'big city' was excitement plus.  A visit to a radio station, more so.

Australia was not blessed with television until 1956 - this episode took place in 1953 and radio ruled supreme. Most, if not all households had radio, and like TV today, one picked the most popular shows, maybe quiz shows,  music, drama, whatever and each genre had its own personalities.  Even the singing commercials were popular.

Back to the trip.   I have read many stories of how people became involved with their life's vocation through epiphany.

Mine was such.  As soon as I went inside the studio doors - that still, small voice said to me:  "This is what you're meant to do."

Easy said - harder done.   

Everyone from the school principal down to my peers told me: 'No way. '  

Try as I might, no one was interested - too many potentials - too few jobs.  

The people involved in my welfare did not deem it suitable employment and very wisely told me so.

What I did not know, was - they did not know either.  It was easier to steer a young student towards those tried and true options: University, Apprenticeships, Traineeships - or just plain labor.  The arts,per-se were a no-no.

That was in the 'bad old days.'  Today, it's a darn sight easier and now, with the advent of the internet this field is open to anyone who has the basic talent and really, really wants it.

Do you want it?   

A radio colleague - Wendy Wright - has been there and done that.  Whatsmore, she's gone ahead and produced a nice little e-book that'll steer you in the right (or Wright) direction.

Whether you're interested in working with a station or on the net - it's all in this little e-book. 

The price tag will astound you.   Any way, check out.


Look forward to hearing you on air or the net.

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